THE RADIO SUPA SHOW The Radio Supa show is a weekly radio show hosted and created by industry veteran TJ SupaHype & co-hosted by Kimberly Draughan. The show features weekly celebrity interviews and new emerging music. It is in its 11th year in operation. Best...
THE RYAN SHOW Every week The Ryan Show FM will provide its listeners with two hours of original comedy, new music and informative interviews packaged neatly into an original format. Whether its a comedy sketch written by Nick Tilleli or music mixed by DJ K Bliss, we...
Mr THROWBACK THURSDAY Mr. Throwback Thursday is a weekly dose of classic hip hop news. Don’t let the legends be forgotten, keep up with what they’re doing now. Current news, classic music reviews, and interviews with hip hop legends. Best time to catch it worldwide on...
THE FUNCTION Your Wednesday morning with Dj Shakee, RobShot and Dj Swift and friends. 2h of talks, live mixes, interviews.. Best time to catch it worldwide on Wednesday: 7am in LA 7am in London 7am in Beijing 10am NYC 9am in Mexico 8h du matin a Paris le Mercredi...
EL WUERTO SHOW Show de Hip Hop Latino transmitiendo desde la mitad del mundo Quito, Ecuador en El Wuerto Records y Wild1 Radio en Los Angeles USA; Trayendo para ustedes cada semana un programa cargado de Música, Entrevistas, Segmentos Internacionales, Información y...
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